Steambaroque / The soaring baroque: Vlad Kulkov

19 May - 19 June 2016

Here the formless appears to be studied and admired, like the Eastern understanding, where the formless determines the form. Before organic abstraction, baroque is perhaps the only example of the fact that medium and skill, plastic nuances and finds, were subordinate to the very miracle of the phenomenon, genesis, situation


Vlad Kulkov, artist

The exhibition "Steambaroque / Soaring Baroque" is a collective project of artists Vlad Kulkov (painting), Dmitry Zhukov (art metal) and Dmitry Anikin (sound). The project was shown in the Great Exhibition Hall of the Konushenny Building of the Central Park of Culture and Recreation of S. M. Kirov.


The name of the exhibition "Steambaroque" is a neologism formed from the fusion of two trends in culture - steampunk and baroque, was invented by Vlad Kulkov to denote a new phenomenon in which are closely intertwined the dynamics of forms characteristic of baroque art and the aspiration for the future of steampunk.


The idea of ​​the exhibition was begging for a long time: Dmitry Zhukov and Vlad Kulkov are one of the few artists in contemporary Russian art who consistently work with abstraction: Zhukov - in sculptural forms, transferring abstract lines to the volume of large-scale metal compositions, Vlad Kulkov - in painting. The exhibition space will feature the sculptural forms of Dmitry Zhukov, which, despite the heaviness and massiveness of the material, seem to lose their stability and dissolve in space, and large-format bright canvases by Vlad Kulkov, where an abstract vortex, twisting in a spiral, gradually turns into complex biomorphic compositions.