New paintings from Two Highways cycle: Boris Koshelokhov

27 November - 26 December 2009

Boris Koshelokhov's creativity is a freakish mix, on the one hand of the archaic and rapid motion, and on the other, of ultramodernity and statics. It is as in a fairy tale when the magic subject transports the hero to the other end of the world, or in science fiction when cosmonauts fall asleep and travel through millions of light years. Nowadays Koshelokhov has slightly lowered his "fourth space" and also looks back — to where he has come from. The image of the teacher and the preacher of fundamental truths is slightly displaced by the image of the eremite-self-contemplator, who has stopped to take a rest and ponder his further journey (a time for "collectingstones")...


Koshelokhov’s art is a celebration, a ritual, it is shamanism and a form of mass. They canbring you to a frenzy, and be perceived by the profane as rude, unclean, rough and so on. But who knows, maybe in reality the jazz drive of the artist has already reached such a speed that time has just stopped and he sees eternal things in their pristine and original nature.

Andrey Khlobystin